Jesus welcomes the disciples back from their mission, and takes them away for a time of rest and recuperation but those plans are dashed when a great crowd follows them….

For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

John Cameron, John Robert ‘Bob’ Wright, Marion Pickles, Steven Bamford May they rest in peace, and rise in glory.

Tickets available from Sunday 14th July – email for info.

Thank you to everyone who organised the events and to everyone who supported them. What a wonderful weekend of celebrations! The Ecumenical service raised a fantastic £171.50 for Christian Aid. Thank…

Thank you to everyone who organised the day and to everyone who supported it. The rain held off for a lovely procession through the village and celebrations afterwards.

Could you consider setting up a standing order? As a charity we are dependent upon the generosity of our supporters, apart from a small amount of income from weddings and…

Keep an eye on our website and Facebook pages for more information about these events.

Mothers’ Union is a global Christian movement working with people of all faiths and none to develop communities, strengthen families and advocate for change. Its members are not all mothers or even…

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