Bible Memory Verse: Growing Leaders – 1 Corinthians 2.2

For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

Posted in Bretherton, Children, Croston, Lent, Mawdesley, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

St Michael’s Music in the Woods – Saturday 7th September 7-11pm

Tickets available from Sunday 14th July – email for info.

Posted in Bretherton, Children, Croston, Event, Mawdesley, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Mawdesley w/ Bispham 150th Tea Party Day Celebrations

Thank you to everyone who organised the events and to everyone who supported them. What a wonderful weekend of celebrations! The Ecumenical service raised a fantastic £171.50 for Christian Aid. Thank…

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Croston Coffee Day

Thank you to everyone who organised the day and to everyone who supported it. The rain held off for a lovely procession through the village and celebrations afterwards.

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Children’s Sunday Club – St Michael’s

Our Children’s Sunday Club will not be running over the summer months, we will post an update on when it will start again after summer.

Posted in Bretherton, Children, Croston, Mawdesley, Sunday Club, Young Adults | Leave a comment

Come and see our stone circle

Exciting times ahead as the new stone circle is erected on the Croft Field behind the church, this is just a small part of the new play equipment that is…

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