Although, the Heritage Lottery Fund have promised us £270,000, this will not cover the full cost of the repairs, particularly after the full extent of the problems has come to light. We have been set a target of £50,000 which should be enough to complete the restoration work.
We will be exploring other funds and charities that may be willing to support our appeal but we will need to find other ways to fill the gap!
Work is now ongoing to prepare the full restoration scheme and gain the necessary approvals from the Diocese, English Heritage and the Heritage Lottery Fund. This is likely to take several months to complete and it will be 2017 before the full restoration scheme can commence. It may be necessary to close the church whilst the work is undertaken but we will provide plenty of notice and alternative service arrangements if necessary.
In the meantime, if you would like to donate to the Roof Fund Appeal you can click on the donate button, alternatively you may choose on of the alternative options:
- there is a collecting box at the back of church. Please gift aid if you are a tax payer.
- There are small collection boxes at the back of church which you can take away to put in any loose change you may have and bring it back to church when its full.
- Alternatively you can join the monthly Roof Fund Draw, application forms available in church.