I just wanted to say a heartfelt, ‘thank you’ for the incredibly warm welcome Paul and I have received since we arrived in the Parish. The cards, gifts, Sunday’s Licensing…

Croston Food and Drink Festival – Sunday May 4th 10am – 4pm St Michael’s will be having a second hand cook book stall and will need donations of books. We…

Come and listen to popular organ music by Stewart Whillis with vocals by Jayne Mawdesley. Refreshments and raffle in aid of the Church Organ Fund. Free admission.

March 1st is renewal time! If you fancy taking part its only £15 per year. We have a monthly draw for £30, £15 and £10. Leaflets are available at the…

Organist required to play weekly at Croston St Michael’s 9.15am. Please let us know if you or anyone you may know would be interested.

Safeguarding is an important part of our Parish, can you help and be part of our safeguarding team? Let us know if you can help!

The Gospel Jesus teaches the crowd from a boat at the lakeside, then he tells Peter to put out to the deep and throw in his net. The miraculous catch…

Our monthly meetings are building up nicely with more members joining the Mothers’ Union. We would like to invite any new members and any members from surrounding areas who have been…

May they rest in peace, and rise in glory.  Barbara Holbert, Alan Powell Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls…

Croston Food and Drink Festival-Sunday4th May – 10am to 4pm

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